Post Treatment Instructions

Following Root Canal Treatment

  1. Pain Management: It is common to experience some discomfort or mild pain for a few days following the procedure. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen are most helpful. Follow the dosage instructions recommended by your doctor. The use of prescription painkillers is typically not necessary.

  2. Careful Eating: You should not chew, drink hot or cold liquids, or smoke for the first hour. Afterwards, a soft-food diet is recommended for the first few days. Eating hard foods on the affected side may cause discomfort or dislodge any temporary filling material.

  3. Dental Hygiene: Continue to maintain good oral hygiene. Brush and floss regularly, but be gentle around the treated tooth. If your dentist provides you with a special mouthwash, use it as directed.

  4. Limit Physical Activity: Avoid strenuous physical activity for the first 24 hours. This can help minimize swelling and discomfort.

  5. Monitor Symptoms: Some swelling or tenderness is normal, but if you experience severe pain, swelling that worsens, or a fever, contact our office. These could be signs of an infection or other complications and we may need to prescribe you an antibiotic.

  6. Temporary Filling Care: If a temporary filling was placed, be cautious when cleaning your teeth near the area. If the temporary filling comes out, contact our office. After a root canal, it's important to take special care of the affected tooth for a few weeks or until your tooth is fully restored by your dentist (unless your endodontist recommends otherwise). It’s important to make this appointment with your general dentist as soon as your endodontist completes work on your tooth.

  7. Follow-Up Appointment: Ensure you schedule any necessary follow-up appointments to assess healing.

    Following these instructions can aid in your recovery and ensure the success of your root canal treatment. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office at (310) 564-3636.

Following Endodontic Surgery

  1. Some swelling, mild pain, and/or bruising may occur following surgery – especially during the first 3 days.  This will be temporary.  To help reduce swelling, the use of an ice pack over the area is recommended.  15 minutes on, 15 minutes off, for the first 4-6 hours following surgery.

  2. Do not attempt to look at the treated area as this may cause the sutures to tear and prevent healing.

  3. We will see you in approximately 5-7 days for your suture removal.

  4. Do not smoke or use tobacco and 'vaping' products for at least 48 hours after your procedure.  If you have questions about this instruction, please ask.

  5. Be particularly careful to brush only the teeth in the operated area, but not the gums. To clean the gums, dip a cotton swab in mouth-rinse (rinse provided) and gently apply to the operated area.

  6. A soft diet is recommended for the first 2-3 days.  When drinking liquids, do not use a straw or create suction in your mouth.  This may disturb the healing.

  7. Starting the day after the procedure, you may rinse with warm saltwater rinses after meals for the next 2-3 days (1/2 teaspoon salt + 8 ounces of warm water). Do not vigorously swish as it may disturb the sutures.

  8. Follow instructions on all prescribed medications.

  9. If a biopsy was collected at the time of surgery, it will be sent for a microscopic evaluation by an Oral Pathologist. The biopsy report will be forwarded to you once we have received it from the pathologist.

  10. Medications – Take the following as directed:

    □      Ibuprofen = Advil© = Motrin© – 400mg [2 tabs] to 600mg [3 tabs] with food every 6 hrs. for discomfort

    □      Acetaminophen = Tylenol© – 500mg [1 tab] to 1000mg [2 tabs] every 6-8 hrs. for discomfort as needed

    □      Antibiotic – as prescribed

    □      Steroid medication – as prescribed

    Should you experience discomfort that cannot be controlled with the above medications, or if swelling continues to develop, please contact our office immediately at (310) 564-3636.  If you call after normal business hours, the call will be directed to the doctor on call.