Modern Endodontic Care

Discover gentle, expert root canal treatment in Santa Monica, CA

Lobby image of Seto Gluskin and Wu Endodontics in Santa Monica, CA

We specialize in saving teeth.

Welcome to Seto Gluskin & Wu Endodontics. We specialize in advanced root canal therapy, using the latest cutting-edge technology and minimally invasive techniques to ensure precise and comfortable treatment. We pride ourselves on our compassionate approach to providing high-quality care. Our team is dedicated to restoring your oral health with a focus on creating a friendly, relaxed environment. Whether you're visiting us for a consultation or seeking relief from dental pain, you can trust in our commitment to excellence.

Our goal is to exceed your expectations and provide exceptional endodontic care in a caring and gentle manner.

Our Services

Our practice specializes in endodontics, commonly referred to as root canal therapy. Endodontics is the treatment of the pulp and surrounding tissues of a tooth. Root canals are most often necessary when decay has reached the nerve of the tooth or the tooth has become infected. The word “endo” comes from the Greek language and means “inside” or within. Endodontists work with the “inside” of a tooth.

Procedures we offer include non-surgical root canal therapy, endodontic retreatment, traumatic injuries for adults and children, treating cracked teeth, and apical surgery. Most procedures in our office can be completed in a single visit. Every patient is unique, and we are committed to providing you with high quality endodontic care based on your individual needs.

  • Root canal treatment is a common endodontic procedure aimed at saving a tooth that is severely decayed or infected. During this process, the infected pulp is removed, and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected before being filled and sealed. Root canal treatment is designed to eliminate bacteria from the infected tooth, prevent further infection, and it allows the tooth to function normally. Millions of teeth are treated and saved this way each year, relieving pain and making teeth healthy again.

  • Endodontic retreatment is performed when a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment fails to heal properly or develops new issues. This procedure involves removing the existing filling materials, cleaning and disinfecting the canals again, and then refilling and sealing the tooth. Retreatment can address persistent infections or complications that arise from previous treatments.

  • Endodontic surgery can be used to locate small fractures or hidden canals previously undetected during the initial treatment. Surgery may also be needed to remove calcium deposits in root canals, or to treat damaged root surfaces or the surrounding bone of the tooth. Advanced technologies like 3-dimensional imaging and operating microscopes allow these procedures to be performed quickly, comfortably and successfully. There are many surgical procedures that can be performed to save a tooth. The most common is called an apicoectomy, or root-end resection, which may be needed when inflammation or infection persists in the bony area around the end of your tooth after a root canal procedure.

  • Cracked teeth can present with various symptoms, such as temperature sensitivity or pain when chewing. Treatment for cracked teeth depends on the location and extent of the crack. Endodontists may recommend bonding, crowns, or root canal treatment if the crack extends to the pulp. Prompt attention is crucial to prevent further damage and potential tooth loss.

  • Traumatic injury and endodontic infections can involve the pulp of children's permanent teeth while the roots are incompletely formed. Regenerative endodontic procedures have the potential to allow for continuation of root development and are the newest therapeutic approach in the management of incompletely developed permanent teeth. The appropriate treatment modality for your child's case will be determined by one of our doctors.

  • Dental trauma encompasses injuries to the teeth, gums, or surrounding oral structures, often resulting from accidents or sports activities. Endodontic care for dental trauma includes procedures to address issues like tooth fractures or dislodgement. Timely intervention can save the affected teeth and restore oral function and aesthetics.

  • Internal bleaching is a cosmetic procedure used to lighten the color of a tooth that has darkened due to trauma, previous root canal treatment, or other factors. The process involves placing a bleaching agent inside the tooth, allowing it to whiten from the inside out. This method can effectively restore the tooth's natural appearance.

  • Advancements in endodontic technology have significantly improved the accuracy, efficiency, and outcomes of treatment. Modern equipment at our office such as digital imaging, ultrasonic instrumentation, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), and operating microscopes allow for precise diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, our office utilizes the most up-to-date materials and minimally invasive instruments, which we have found has enhanced the success rates of our endodontic procedures.

Meet the Team

  • Bradley Seto DDS - Endodontist in Santa Monica

    Dr. Bradley Seto

    Endodontics Residency: University of Washington

    Doctor of Dental Surgery: Emory University

  • Brandon Seto DDS - Endodontist in Santa Monica

    Dr. Brandon Seto

    Endodontics Residency: University of Washington

    Doctor of Dental Surgery: University of California, Los Angeles

  • Adam Gluksin DDS - Endodontist in Santa Monica

    Dr. Adam Gluskin

    Endodontics Residency: University of Washington

    Doctor of Dental Surgery: University of the Pacific

  • Brian Wu DDS - Endodontist in Santa Monica

    Dr. Brian Wu

    Endodontics Residency: University of Southern California

    Doctor of Dental Surgery: University of California, Los Angeles
